Categorías: Hardware Apple

Why should you avoid counterfeit MacBook chargers?

There is a debate about using fake or counterfeit chargers on a MacBook instead of the official ones. It is a recurrent topic that people has been discussing for a long time, mainly because the prices of Apple chargers are quite high.

When you need to replace your MacBook charger, the temptation to get a much cheaper model is very strong. Actually, there are many websites that offer fake chargers; it could make you think that there is nothing wrong with trying one. We are going to analyse the different dangers of using MacBook counterfeit chargers.

The main danger: Safety

El riesgo más importante que se corre si se usan cargadores falsos es el de no tener protegido el equipo. Si se desmonta un cargador original y cualquier otro que se vende como compatible, se pueden apreciar grandes diferencias en los componentes y la protección que llevan.

The most important risk when using a counterfeit or uncertified charger is that your device is not protected. If you take an Apple charger apart and then you do the same with a counterfeit or uncertified one, you will see great differences in the components and protection elements they have.

A real MacBook charger is crammed full of components, but a fake one looks somewhat more basic or even empty. Far from being an advantage, this means that fake chargers don’t have the additional security components that guarantee that your device will be charged in the best conditions. Apple chargers even have additional insulation on their cables to avoid any problem.

Broken charger cable

This point may seem too extreme, but in case the charger overheats or there is a power failure, a counterfeit charger can’t prevent the other components from being damaged, as well as the device itself. You may think you are saving money by buying a fake charger, but it can damage your MacBook. We see this situation every day in our repair centre and the repair will cost much more. Also, using a fake charger can be really dangerous for people who use them.

In addition, regulations call for a minimum distance between the high voltage part and the low voltage part. This is fulfilled in the official chargers, but not in those that are sold as compatible.

Power and charging times

Apple’s official chargers meet the power specifications indicated on the label. That is to say, that the wattage supplied is the adequate to charge the device.

This greatly affects the amount of time it takes to make a full charge. MacBook fake chargers do not even provide half the charge power, so you need to have them plugged in twice as long as the real ones, which increases at the same time the possibility of overheating.

Warranty and repairs

A counterfeit charger doesn’t have the same security components as a real Apple charger, so the risk of your MacBook suffering a breakdown also increases. This is a serious problem especially when the device is under warranty. If a non-original product has been used, Apple’s warranty doesn’t cover the repair. You will have to pay the price of the repairs and the components that have to be replaced, although there may be damages that make the repair not worth it.

MacBook Pro 2010 17” repair. This fault is due to the use of a low-quality fake charger

If you have already had a problem with your MacBook charger, you can visit our repair sections:

Contributing to the counterfeiting industry

Another danger of using fake MacBook chargers is that you are contributing to an illegal business in many cases. Some manufacturers sell their product as compatible or generic, but others sell the chargers as real Apple chargers, something they cannot do because they lack the necessary permits and licenses.

Counterfeiting is an industry that generates a lot of money for those who are involved; money that is sometimes used for other types of crimes. So counterfeiting is directly supporting even criminal organizations.

Some people think that it is the manufacturers of counterfeits who are breaking the law. But also buyers, whether they do so consciously or not, can be accused of committing a crime. That’s why it’s so important to know how to differentiate an Apple charger from a fake one.

How to differentiate counterfeit chargers from real MacBook chargers

Differences in the USB charger
Differences pointed out by Apple on the Lightning side

The first thing that determines if you are dealing with a fake charger or with a genuine Apple charger is the place where you are buying it. If you don’t trust the website or store where you are buying, it is likely that the charger is a counterfeit.

Another aspect that will tell you if you are looking at a genuine Apple charger or not, is its price. If you buy a charger that costs much less than the Apple charger, there is no doubt that you are buying a counterfeit. Nobody is going to sell something below its value. You should also inspect the packaging, which must have the official Apple logo and badge. However, the packaging can be falsified, so it will never be a sufficient guarantee.

Original chargers have a stamp on the cable that says “Designed by Apple in California”, followed by the place where it was assembled and a 12-digit serial number. If any of these elements are missing, it has not been manufactured by the brand.

Another aspect that shows us whether the charger is a genuine one or not, is the way in which the charger fits into the device. If you use the charger for the first time and it doesn’t fit properly or easily into your device, it means that the size or location of the pins may be wrong. That surely indicates that it is a fake charger.

The tip of the Magsafe has a chip that connects to the SMC. It shows the power flow for its charge and use.

The best option: Official MacBook chargers

Although it is true that acquiring Apple chargers or third-party chargers certified by Apple is much more expensive than buying counterfeit ones, the dangers we face are too risky to do so.

In the best case scenario, if one of these non-original chargers fails, it could seriously damage your MacBook or you may have to spend more money than you saved at an Apple technical service such as iRepairs. If you are not lucky enough, it can be even worse.

We will gladly help you and answer your questions. Contact us by phone +34 933 900 524 or by filling out the form in the Contact section.


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